Data Not Populating In Cgridview Using Cformmodel

Hi I’m new to yii i’m having a problem with my simple application having a create and view function. My data did not populate in my CGridView. My code looks like this:

here’s my Student.php (model)

class Student extends CFormModel{



    public $id;

    public $fname;

    public $lname;

    public $midinitial;

    public $yrlevel;

    public $isNewRecord;


        public function tableName()


                    return 'student';



         public function attributeLabels()


                    return array(

                            'id' => 'Student ID',   

                            'fname' => 'First Name',

                            'lname' => 'Last Name',

                            'midinitial' => 'Middle Initial',

                            'yrlevel' => 'Year level',






        public function viewStudent(){


        $conn = Yii::app()->db;


        $sql = "Select * from student";


        $command = $conn->createCommand($sql);


        $result = $command->queryAll();


        return $result;



      public function createStudent(){


         $conn = Yii::app()->db;

         $sql = "INSERT INTO student(fname,lname,midinitial,yrlevel)VALUES(:fname,:lname,:midinitial,:yrlevel)";

         $command = $conn->createCommand($sql);











and here’s my StudentController.php (controller)

class StudentController extends Controller {



      public $layout='//layouts/column1';



     public function actionIndex()



	$model = new Student();


        $result = $model->viewStudent(); 


        $dataProvider = new CArrayDataProvider($result);








    public function actionView(){


        $model = new Student();


        $result = $model->viewStudent();    


        $dataProvider = new CArrayDataProvider($result);







     /* public function actionView($id)








      public function actionCreate(){


        $model = new Student();











         'create'=>$model,// Model is passed to create.php View!




and here’s my index






	array('label'=>'View Student', 'url'=>array('view')),

	array('label'=>'Create Student', 'url'=>array('create')),




<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(













)); ?>

please guide me in proper way. Advance thank you to someone can help me.

there is a Yii guide please read the blog tutorial following links has some useful resources for beginners