Data Is Not Being Saved Nor Any Error Is Generated

Hi, i am trying to save data in table. A model "User" will save user data. I am calling it from another controller named "adminController".

public function actionRegisterAdmin(){

$post_data['admin']['first_name'] = "first";

$post_data['admin']['last_name'] = 'last_name';

$post_data['admin']['email'] = 'email';

$post_data['admin']['password'] = '12345';

$post_data['admin']['gender'] = 1;


$post_data['admin']['country'] = 'country';

$post_data['admin']['state'] = 'state';

$post_data['admin']['acc_type'] = 0;								


$user = new User();

$user->attributes = $post_data['admin'];




	echo 'IF';




	"ERROR : ";




But neither data is saved nor any exception/error is generated. please guide me how i can get rid of this.

Where/how are you using the controller?

You should call the controller in order to execute that action.

why making complicated??!!

$user = new User();

//$user->attributes = $post_data['admin']; remove this line

$user->first_name = "first";

$user->last_name= "last";

$user->email= "email";







//all here




	echo 'IF'; exit;




	"ERROR : ";

	var_dumb($user->getError()); exit;



check your user model validation rules…and troubleshoot it!!

var_dumb() is generating error that

Fatal error: Call to undefined function var_dumb() in protected\controllers\AdminController.php on line 119

I think i have found the issue. it is about validation rule.I have applied a validation rule to compare passwords. i am not sending password and confirm password but only password.

if i send both values then data is saved otherwise not. i have just use $user->save() method without validation but it still does not save data.

i think validation is automatically called when save() method is called. is there any way to bypass validation.???


U can try the below code

$user = new User();

$user->attributes = $_POST['admin'];


if (!$model->hasErrors()) {

				Yii::app()->user->setFlash("success", "Thanks for Vendor Regisration.!");

				$this->redirect(array('vendor', 'model' => $model));



if you display the flash messages u can put the below code in your view file


                        foreach (Yii::app()->user->getFlashes() as $key => $message) {

                            echo '<div class="flash-' . $key . '">' . $message . "</div>\n";



hope it will be helpful

sorry var_dump

that means its not validating!! :rolleyes:

yes you are correct the save() method call validate() method . see CActiveRecord.php

Thanks all you you for you help. i have just assign data and call method $user->save(false);

The issue is resolved now. :)