On CWigdet again there are 2 occassions the one that is like $this->widget()… that the user must pass a dataProvider to work… the second occassion is the user will use beginWidget and endWidget and what html code is between this 2 calls will be affected by the widget. The question is how can i create a div at the beginWidget and close the div at the endwidget. And 2nd how can i determine what user used to init the widget.
1st occassion:
$this->widget('Mywidegt', array('data'=>$dataProvider));
result in
<div id='mywidget'>
then i want in the second occassion like:
have this result:
<div id='mywidget'>
Off course i can dig to existing widget sources. But though someone out there can be clear and helpfull.
And what i said before. How in mywidget code can i determine which from the above 2 occassions i am running on.