CValidator.php addError() add {value} placeholder


line: 194

protected function addError($object,$attribute,$message,$params=array())





change to:

protected function addError($object,$attribute,$message,$params=array())








protected function addError($object,$attribute,$message,$params=array())







我想是否再加个判断? 假如 CFormModel 里面没有这个属性?

May I ask anybody for some help with params/placeholder - array last attribute of addError (CValidate)? It is usualy omitted (blank), but I would like to control of the place the error is displayed. In my case error/message breaks the layout of small XLoginForm/Portlet. Has anybody got/put some clear example of usage off this rare used parameter/attribute of adError? I will be grateful… very very:)

Is there any Good Soul to help me?

How to apply the $params - last parameter (array) of addError to control the placeholder of the error-message?

CValidator::addError() -

Note that the last parameter $param are the values for the placeholders… not the placeholders…

If you need to control the placeholders you can do it on the 3rd parameter $message… check the documentation for message -

So you can use something like this "The attribute {attribute} is not good"