Customizing Zii.widgets.cmenu


I have a menu with the following structure:

<div id="topmenu"> <ul id="nav">

			<li><a href="#">Resources</a>


					<li><a href="#">Premium</a>


							<li><a href="#">Software A</a></li>

							<li><a href="#">Software B</a></li>

							<li><a href="#">Software C</a></li>

							<li><a href="#">Software D</a></li>



					<li><a href="#">Free </a>


							<li><a href="#">Trial Version Software A</a></li>

							<li><a href="#">Trial Version Software b</li>








			<li><a href="#">Contact</a>


					<li><a href="#">Press Release</a></li>

					<li><a href="#">Contact</a></li>






			<li><a href="#">Members</a>



					<li><a href="#">Login</a></li>

					<li><a href="#">Register</a></li>







The nested list is opens a submenu.

How do i customize the zii.widgets.CMenu to accomodate this ?

Any ideas or links would be really appreciated.


There are a few extensions available you can use.

This menu should do what you are looking for.

It works well with suckerfish style formatting with nested <ul> etc.

@kokomo - thanks never knew these extensions existed in the first place.:rolleyes:

@outrage - thanks - mbmenu looks like it should solve my purpose :)

edit 1:

@outrage - it did the trick :)