Custom Tooltip on tabs using CJuiTabs

Hello !

Im using CJuiTabs for one of my views… everything works fine accept one thing - whenever I’m doing a mouse hover on the tab, it displays a tooltip with tab title.

Can I set customized text (not the tab title) for Tooltip each tab?


TabName - Tooltip title

Basic - "Blah Blah"

Agents - "Yippee Yippee"

General - "Hurrey Hurrey"

$this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiTabs', array(

    'tabs' => array(

      'Basic'     => $this->renderPartial('_formMain'), true),

      'Agents'    => $this->renderPartial('_formAgents'), true),

      'General'   => $this->renderPartial('_formGeneral'), true),

      'Travel'    => $this->renderPartial('_formTravel'), true),

      'Vendors'   => $this->renderPartial('_formVendors'), true),

      'Finance'   => $this->renderPartial('_formFinancial'), true),

      'IT'        => $this->renderPartial('_formIT'), true),

      'Reports'   => $this->renderPartial('_formReporting'), true),


   'headerTemplate' =>

      '<li><a href="{url}"  title="{title}">{title}</a></li>',

   'options' => array('title' => 'Client Information'),




I found solution on my own.

I added "id" to CJuiTabs and fetched href of all subtabs in jquery.

In jquery i added tooltip. ;)

$this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiTabs', array(

    'tabs' => array(

      'Basic'     => $this->renderPartial('_formMain'), true),

      'Agents'    => $this->renderPartial('_formAgents'), true),

      'General'   => $this->renderPartial('_formGeneral'), true),

      'Travel'    => $this->renderPartial('_formTravel'), true),

      'Vendors'   => $this->renderPartial('_formVendors'), true),

      'Finance'   => $this->renderPartial('_formFinancial'), true),

      'IT'        => $this->renderPartial('_formIT'), true),

      'Reports'   => $this->renderPartial('_formReporting'), true),


   'headerTemplate' =>

      '<li><a href="{url}"  title="{title}">{title}</a></li>',

   'options' => array('title' => 'Client Information'),

   // Added id 




        //Add ToolTips to sub tabs of account



                     $('a[href=#account_subtabs_tab_0]').tooltip({content: "Blah Blah"});

                     $('a[href=#account_subtabs_tab_1]').tooltip({content: "Yippee Yippee"});

                     $('a[href=#account_subtabs_tab_2]').tooltip({content: "Hurrey Hurrey"});





Excelent… I need this solution to change the text in tabs… Thanks…