I currently have this:
First Prev Next Last
but I want:
First Prev 2 of 15 pages Next Last
Is there a way to insert the 2 of 15 pages
in there.
Of course they would be variable, like $currentpage, $maxpage.
I currently have this:
First Prev Next Last
First Prev 2 of 15 pages Next Last
Is there a way to insert the 2 of 15 pages
in there.
Of course they would be variable, like $currentpage, $maxpage.
I think you have to write your own link pager widget.
The standard LinkPager renders only a set of link buttons and no static text is rendered. It doesn’t have a template. Check the source code of LinkPager, and you’ll get some idea to satisfy your needs.
@ softark
That worked, just before $this->nextPageLabel I inserted:
$buttons[] = " page " . $this->getCurrent() . " of " . $this->getTotal() . " ";
I added two methods:
protected function getCurrent()
$currentPage = $this->pagination->getPage();
return $currentPage + 1;
protected function getTotal()
$pageCount = $this->pagination->getPageCount();
return $pageCount;
For some reason, 0 was showing, I had to add a 1.
Any idea why $currentPage = $this->pagination->getPage(); return a 0 on first page?
It’s by design. Pagination::$page is a zero-based number.
@ softark All working great now.
Is it possible to use Yii2 pagination outside of yii2, or would it be too big a hassle?
Well, I think it’s possible to use Yii2 LinkPager with Pagination (and most probably with DataProvider) outside of a Yii2 app.
Guide > Special Topics > Working with Third-Party Code > Using Yii in Third-Party Systems
But I’m not sure if it’s very easy or convenient.