CSS issue with IE9?

Hello! Is there a css issue with IE9. I’ve installed yii2 from archive (php 5.4.38, apache 2.2.22 win32) I got this weird scree on IE9. Clearing the IE cash, does not fix the problem. Btw, it looks good on Firefox.:)

IE9 is 4 years old browser and is not fully compatible with other modern ones.

As you can see here http://getbootstrap.com/getting-started/#support-ie8-ie9 not everything is supported on IE9 by Bootstrap which is used in yii2. Make sure you are using respond and/or html5shiv scripts.


Thx for the reply. Finally, I’ve got it. It was not a CSS problem. ;D

In our company, the IE9 browser mode for intranet sites was set to compatibility view mode, but not for internet sites so I was a little confused. :unsure:

Hope this helps someone who is having the same issue.

You really should use Internet Explorer 11 or, even better, Firefox or Chrome

Update: to prevent CSS issues IE8/IE9/IE10/IE11, even when your customer or user has enabled the compatibility view mode, you can overwrite the IE settings by adding the following meta tags in your main.php

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"/>

[color="#006400"]/* Moved to Tips, Snippets and Tutorials */[/color]