CRUD Generator issue with GII


I’m learning about Yii with Larry Ullman tutorials (really good by the way).

But I encounter an issue when i need to generate models and relative files with gii (CRUD generator);

Gii don’t generate all files but only one :

Generating code using template "C:\wamp\www\yii\framework\gii\generators\model\templates\default"…

generated models\Department.php


I don’t really understand why, do you think i miss something ?

Config setup : Windows 7 / wamp 2 (php 5.3.4) / yii-1.1 Built on Nov 25, 2011

Thank you for your help,

you are generating a model, not a crud

select in the menu ( left side of the screen ) crud generator

Oh you’re right i just missed this important point.

I need to learn to read first before to learn Yii i think.

Thank you Gustavo,