In Yii-1.1.13, yiic shell after creating model, excecuted the crud command relevent to created model.From it created the create.php,update.php, index.php, view.php file. but not created the files _view,php, _form,php, _search,php, and admin.php files.
Is this a bug or is there any change in the command that excecute to create crud.
>> model Hospitals h_details
generate models/Hospitals.php
generate fixtures/h_details.php
generate unit/HospitalsTest.php
The following model classes are successfully generated:
If you have a ‘db’ database connection, you can test these models now with:
>> crud Hospitals
generate HospitalsController.php
generate HospitalsTest.php
mkdir /data/web/apache/my_projects/yii/protected/views/hospitals
generate create.php
generate update.php
generate index.php
generate view.php