Criteria Mentioned In Model Class Not Executing From Search Form

I have two fields in the advanced search form(approved, reviewdate) for which I created the radiobuttons.

    <div class="row">

    <?php echo $form->labelEx($model,''); ?>


        echo $form->radioButtonList($model,'ReviewedDate',

        array('1' => 'Reviewed', '' => 'Not Reviewed'),





                            'style'=> '


                                      width: 60px;

                                      float: left;


              'onclick' => 'this.form.submit()', 





      <div style="clear: both;"></div>

      <?php echo $form->error($model,'ReviewedDate'); ?>




       <div class="row">

    <?php echo $form->labelEx($model,''); ?>


        echo $form->radioButtonList($model,'Approved',

        array('0' => 'Rejected', '1' => 'Approved'),





                            'style'=> '


                                      width: 60px;

                                      float: left;



              'onclick' => 'this.form.submit()', 

              'uncheck' => NULL,




      <div style="clear: both;"></div>

      <?php echo $form->error($model,'Approved'); ?>



Below is the criteria I created for both the fields in model.

    public function search()


    		// Warning: Please modify the following code to remove attributes that

    		// should not be searched.


    		$criteria=new CDbCriteria;










      //              $criteria->compare('ReviewedDate',$this->ReviewedDate);









                    if(isset($this->ReviewedDate) )



                    $criteria->addCondition('ReviewedDate IS NOT NULL');

                    $criteria->addCondition('UpdatedDate > CreatedDate');

                    $criteria->compare('ReviewedDate','0000-00-00 00:00:00');





                    $criteria->addCondition('updateddate = createddate');    

                    $criteria->addCondition('ReviewedDate IS NULL');





                    if ($this->Approved) 



                          $criteria->addCondition("approved='" . $this->Approved . "'");

                          $criteria->condition = ' (updateddate > createddate) AND (revieweddate IS NOT NULL) and approved = 1 ';





                          $criteria->addCondition("approved='" . $this->Approved . "'");

                          $criteria->condition = ' (updateddate > createddate) AND (revieweddate IS NOT NULL) and approved = 0 ';



                    $criteria->compare('apartment.Name',$this->groupz_search, true);

                    $criteria->compare('apartment.SocietyCode',$this->groupz_code_search, true);

    		return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array(




Now when I try click on the reviewed/not reviewed button, the query that should be executed when rejected is clicked gets executed.

    SQL query to be executed - SELECT count(*) FROM `message_template` `t`  LEFT OUTER JOIN `apartment` `apartment` ON (`t`.`ApartmentId`=`apartment`.`Id`)  WHERE (((MessageType=1) AND (updateddate = createddate)) AND (ReviewedDate IS NULL);


    SQL executed - SELECT * FROM `message_template` `t`  LEFT OUTER JOIN `apartment` `apartment` ON (`t`.`ApartmentId`=`apartment`.`Id`)  WHERE (((MessageType=1) AND (updateddate > createddate)) AND (ReviewedDate IS NULL) and (Approved=0));

Why is this happening and how can I debug.

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These will overwrite the existing condition as a whole. That is not your intention, I guess. Use "addCondition" instead.