creating an avatar

hai friends…

actually i have two doubts…

hence i new to yii 2.0…I stuck with this part…

please help me…

1.I need to create an avatar…

2.I need To do soft delete which makes the active user to inactive and inactive users to active…


  1. as i understand you want to make profile pic of user.

-> take fileuploader in user/create form.php and in usercontroller code for file save in folder and db.

  1. for soft delete, on updateaction mark field as delete/active.

-> like

$modelUser->delStatus = 'delete'/or 'active';



[quote=“webin, post:2, topic:79438”]


  1. as i understand you want to make profile pic of user.

-> take fileuploader in user/create form.php and in usercontroller code for file save in folder and db.

  1. for soft delete, on updateaction mark field as delete/active.

-> like

$modelUser->delStatus = 'delete'/or 'active';




Thank you webin…

thanx for + one.
