Creating A Record Using Ajax

Hi, I want to create a record in my DB with information from a form, i want to send it via AJAX

Here’s my view


/* @var $this UserController */

/* @var $model User */

//registering jQuery 



<h1>User: <?php echo $model->username; ?></h1>



  <?php foreach($model->entries as $entry):?>

    <div class="view">

      <li class="entries"><h2> <?php echo $entry['title']; ?> </h2></li>

      <li class="entries"><?php echo $entry['content']; ?></li><br/>

      <li class="entries">Created on <?php echo date("d M - g:i A ",strtotime($entry['creation_date'])); ?></li><br/>


    <?php endforeach; ?>


<?php $this->beginWidget('system.web.widgets.CClipWidget', array('id'=>'sidebar')); ?>

<h1>Tweet Feed</h1>


  <?php $form=$this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array('id'=>'hide-tweet',)); ?>

    <?php $i=1; foreach($tweets as $tweet):?>		

      <div id="tw-<?php echo $i; ?>">

	<h1><?php echo $tweet->id_str; ?></h1>

	<div class="view">

	  <li class="entries"><?php echo '<b>'.$tweet->user->name.'</b> @'.$tweet->user->screen_name.'  '.date("d M",strtotime($tweet->created_at)); ?></li><br/>

	  <li class="entries"><?php echo $tweet->text; ?></li>						

	  <?php if($model->usr_id == Yii::app()->user->Id):?>

	  <br/><li class="entries">

	    <?php echo CHtml::ajaxLink(

















	<?php endif; ?>



    <?php $i++; endforeach; ?>

   <?php $this->endWidget(); ?>


<?php $this->endWidget();?>

And in my tweet controller in the actionCreate function I have the following

public function actionCreate()


		$model=new Tweet;

		// Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed

		// $this->performAjaxValidation($model);



			echo "arrived at controller!!!";










When I click on the link it the POST return a 200 OK status but neither the echo and the var_dump show in my #content, I think I’m doing it wrong, can anyone please give some clearance in this matter, at least I want to be clear that the POST is working, having that I think I can do the rest.

Ok, I’ve seen something in the model the variable is $_POST[‘Tweet’] which for some reason I don’t know doesn’t exist when I send the form, but if just var_dump($_POST) all the information appears, but I cannot use to save it in the DB how or what can I do in the form to return $_POST[‘Tweet’] ?










You’re doing it wrong.

This way you’ll get your data right inside $_POST, i. e. $_POST[‘tw_tweet_id’] etc.

Also I can’t find any inputs in your form, so I wonder how user should write his tweets :)

UPD: ninja’d by Tsunami :))

Thanks Tsunami it worked but the data isn’t saved :confused:

and ORey actually I’m taking the data from Twitter, how can I use that data and put it in a input? can i make hidden inputs and populate with that data?

if so, how can i do that?

I’m really new with Yii (a noob) and if you guys could help me here that would mean a lot!


I just did var_dump($model->save()) and it dumped a boolean false and with another controller it was true, can someone explain me why’s that? what am I doing wrong?


var_dump($model->save(), $model->errors);

$model->errors will contain any validation errors after $model->save() is called.