Creating a CFormModel from generic XML


I’m trying to create a CFormModel from a generic XML file and have got really close, but don’t know how to resolve this error.

My XML file looks something like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>



		<!-- Name and id for the form -->



		<!-- Input values -->

		<input name="imccURL" id="imccURL" label="" type="">




		<input name="storageService" id="storageService" label="" type="">




		<input name="solrURL" id="solrURL" label="" type="">




		<input name="flashMediaServer" id="flashMediaServer" label="" type="">




		<!-- Rules -->


			<attributeList>imccURL, storageService</attributeList>





And my XMLForm looks like this:

class XMLForm extends CFormModel


	public $rulesArray;



	* \brief Produce a php array to use to construct a html form from an xml config file


	* \param[in] $xmlFile location of the xml config file

	* \param[in] $name name of the xml node to be used


	* \retval Array Success 

	* \retval null Failure




	public function setFormArray($xmlFile, $name)


		# Check that the xml file can be loaded



			$xml = simplexml_load_file($xmlFile);


		catch (Exception $e)


			return null;			



		$form['attributes']['name'] = (string)($xml->$name->name);

		$form['attributes']['id'] = (string)($xml->$name->id);


		# Form the input values

		if(count($xml->$name->input) > 0)




			foreach($xml->$name->input as $input)


				# Every form input should have a name, id, label and type attribute

				$form['inputs'][$i]['name'] = (string)$input['name'];

				$form['inputs'][$i]['id'] = (string)$input['id'];

				$form['inputs'][$i]['label'] = (string)$input['label'];

				$form['inputs'][$i]['type'] = (string)$input['type'];


				# Every input should also have a help description and a value

				$form['inputs'][$i]['help'] = (string)$input->help;

				$form['inputs'][$i]['value'] = (string)$input->value;







		# Form rules

		if(count($xml->$name->rule) > 0)




			foreach($xml->$name->rule as $rule)


				$form['rules'][$j][0] = (string)$rule->attributeList;

				$form['rules'][$j][1] = (string)$rule->validatorName;





		$this->rulesArray = $form['rules'];


		return $form;



	public function rules()


		return $this->rulesArray;		






When I try and use the form with the CActiveForm widget in the view I get the following error:

‘Property “XMLForm.imccURL” is not defined.’

Which means that I should have put something like this in the XMLForm class:

class XMLForm extends CFormModel


	public $imccURL;

BUT I want this to be generic - is there anyway I can declare a property for the XMLForm class from the setFormArray() fucntion?

Or is there any other way people can think of to do it?



Yes, your can your use __get and __set php magic functions:

protected $properties=array();

public function __get($name){


return $this->properties[$name];

return parent::__get($name);


public function __set($name,$value)




return $this->properties[$name]=$value;


return parent::__set($name,$value);


Thanks for that.

I’m still getting the same error though - have I done something daft here? My XMLForm class now reads:

class XMLForm extends CFormModel


	public $rulesArray;


	protected $properties=array();


	public function __get($name)




			return $this->properties[$name];



		return parent::__get($name);



	public function __set($name,$value)




			return $this->properties[$name]=$value;



		return parent::__set($name,$value);




	* \brief Produce a php array to use to construct a html form from an xml config file


	* \param[in] $xmlFile location of the xml config file

	* \param[in] $name name of the xml node to be used


	* \retval Array Success 

	* \retval null Failure




	public function setFormArray($xmlFile, $name)


		# Check that the xml file can be loaded



			$xml = simplexml_load_file($xmlFile);


		catch (Exception $e)


			return null;			



		$form['attributes']['name'] = (string)($xml->$name->name);

		$form['attributes']['id'] = (string)($xml->$name->id);


		# Form the input values

		if(count($xml->$name->input) > 0)




			foreach($xml->$name->input as $input)


				# Every form input should have a name, id, label and type attribute

				$form['inputs'][$i]['name'] = (string)$input['name'];

				$form['inputs'][$i]['id'] = (string)$input['id'];

				$form['inputs'][$i]['label'] = (string)$input['label'];

				$form['inputs'][$i]['type'] = (string)$input['type'];


				# Every input should also have a help description and a value

				$form['inputs'][$i]['help'] = (string)$input->help;

				$form['inputs'][$i]['value'] = (string)$input->value;







		# Form rules

		if(count($xml->$name->rule) > 0)




			foreach($xml->$name->rule as $rule)


				$form['rules'][$j][0] = (string)$rule->attributeList;

				$form['rules'][$j][1] = (string)$rule->validatorName;





		$this->rulesArray = $form['rules'];


		return $form;



	public function rules()


		return $this->rulesArray;		






And the services action is just the same:

public function actionServices()


		$model = new XMLForm;


				# create the php array for the form

		$this->formArray = $model->setFormArray(Yii::app()->params['xmlConfig'], 'services');



		// renders the view file 'protected/admin/views/settings/services.php'

		// using the default layout 'protected/admin/views/layouts/main.php'



With a pretty standard view:

<?php $form=$this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array(






)); ?>

	<?php echo $form->errorSummary($model); ?>



		foreach($this->formArray['inputs'] as $input)


			echo $form->labelEx($model, $input['name']);

			echo $form->textField($model, $input['name']);

			#echo $form->error($model, $input['name']);

			echo "<br />";




	<?php echo CHtml::submitButton('Submit'); ?>

<?php $this->endWidget(); ?>

Removed the if statements in the __get and __set methods and all seems well. So it reads:

public function __get($name)


	  return $this->properties[$name];


public function __set($name, $value)






Hi there, I am newbie and I am trying to do some project for school having the same purpose as yours and I cannot understand how does all these classes relate to each other. For example what are you configuring in parameter ‘xmlConfig’ ? Can you share your solution ?

Greetings Mario