I want to use Cpagination to render this: http://www.yiiframework.com/forum/index.php?/topic/5008-admin-page-with-paginations-based-on-monts-year/
I think that maybe somebody other than me need to render Pagination ( specifing the rules about how to do the pagination ) in another way.
I mean:
i want to show the pagination for months/years. I say to Yii that the lower bound is --/10/2008 ( where – means not important and ** means ALL ) and the upper bound is --/12/2012 and that every link have to increment the month by one so i will pass the param --/01/---- or something similar.
You can do it for the most common cases like for days of the week, years, numbers etc.
If you wont integrate this in Yii can you tell me how to develop it?