COUNT field incorrect or syntax error

I’m having an issue with the following query that works fine in MySQL, but err in SQL Server.

SELECT COALESCE(t1.UnitPrice, t2.UnitPrice) AS Price
FROM lst_pilot_car_items AS t2
   FROM clients_price_list
   WHERE ClientId=2
     AND PilotCarItemId='797' ) AS t1 ON t2.PilotCarItemId=t1.PilotCarItemId
WHERE t2.PilotCarItemId='797'

The error reported is

Exception (Database Exception) 'yii\db\Exception' with message 'SQLSTATE[07002]: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server]COUNT field incorrect or syntax error

The actual code behind the query is

$clientId = ProjectsLegs::findOne($leg)->proj->client->ClientId;
$SQL = "SELECT COALESCE(t1.UnitPrice, t2.UnitPrice) AS Price 
        FROM lst_pilot_car_items As t2 
        LEFT JOIN (
            SELECT UnitPrice 
            FROM clients_price_list 
            WHERE ClientId = :ClientId AND PilotCarItemId = :PilotCarItemId
        ) As t1 ON t2.PilotCarItemId = t1.PilotCarItemId
        WHERE t2.PilotCarItemId = :PilotCarItemId";
$params = [':ClientId' => $clientId, ':PilotCarItemId' => $item];
$connection = Yii::$app->getDb();
$command = $connection->createCommand($SQL, $params);
$result = $command->queryScalar();
if ($result == FALSE) {
    return 0;
    return $result;

If I take the generated SQL and plug it into SSMS, it runs just fine, so I’m thinking some type of bug with Yii?

Is there some way around this?