Correct One Bug For

[size="6"]Background: [/size]

The original extention only consider core packages. But sometimes we need import different package, such as Gauge.


1. Add one var

public $packages = ‘corechart’; // such as ‘orgchart’ and so on.

2. Change registerScript action to below to dynamic attach packages


                __CLASS__ . '#' . $id, 'google.load("visualization", "1", {packages:["'. [b]$this->packages[/b] .'"]});', CClientScript::POS_HEAD


3. examples:


    array('visualization' => 'Gauge','packages'=>'gauge',

'data' => array(

    array('Label', 'Value'),

    array('Memory', 80),

    array('CPU', 55),

    array('Network', 68),


'options' => array(

    'width' => 400,

    'height' => 120,

    'redFrom' => 90,

    'redTo' => 100,

    'yellowFrom' => 75,

    'yellowTo' => 90,

    'minorTicks' => 5

