Controller cannot find view


I am constanly getting this message.

USERSController cannot find the requested view "list".

when i try to access this url


Now, there is a directory called USERS and it has a file called list.php.

Alternately if i try to open the url like this


then it says

The system is unable to find the requested action "lista".

So i guess, I am missing something very small. Can somebody please help me ?



I put in some debugging code… and i found this

public function actionList()


	$criteria=new CDbCriteria;

	$pages=new CPagination(USERS::model()->count($criteria));




echo "i reached here";







It prints out "I reached here".

and then it does not like the render part. Keeps complaining that the view list does not exist.

i am sure, its something small that i am missing.



I’m having the same problem with Yii 1.1.1. I’m following the instructions from the tutorial ( but seem to be missing something.

I’m trying to 0create a registration (signup) form.

My model is protected/models/SignupForm.php:


  class SignupForm extends CFormModel


    public $username;

    public $password_one;

    public $password_two;

    public $password_hint;

    public $msisdn;

    public $email;

    public $secret_question;

    public $secret_answer;

    public $account_type;


    public $xml_response;


    public function rules()


      return array(

        array('username,password_one,password_two,password_hint,msisdn,email,secret_question,secret_answer,account_type', 'required'),

        array('password_one, password_two', 'email'),






My controller is protected/controllers/TestHarnessController.php:


  class TestHarnessController extends Controller


    public function actionSignup()


      $model = new SignupForm();

      if (isset($_POST['SignupForm']))


        // Collect user input data...

        $model->attributes = $_POST['SignupForm'];


        // Validate user input and redirect to previous page if validated...

        if ($model->validate())




      // Display the Signup form...

      $this->render('signup', array('model' => $model));




The view I want to display is protected/views/testharness/signup.php:


$this->pageTitle=Yii::app()->name . ' - Sign Up Test';


	'Signup Test',




<p>Enter valid credentials to create a new account:</p>

<div class="form">

<?php $form=$this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array(



)); ?>

<?php $this->endWidget(); ?>

</div><!-- form -->

Any help would be really appreciated…

I found the problem - the first letter of the directory created in protected/views cannot start with a capital letter (on Linux systems anyway).

I had the following directory:


This resulted in the "Controller cannot find view" error. When I changed the directory name to:


then everything works as expected.

Thanks a lot Scott Deagan!

I had the same problem.

The directory was:


After change to protected/view/pCombustiveis its work!

Many thanks!

Please, excuse my poor english.