Controller/action Restrictions


Is there a way to restrict a Controller/Action to be called only if it called from another controller/action ?

For example:

user/register would only show up if it has been called from paypal/paysuccess

else if called directly or from other action would result in not authorised output.

thanks for replying

you can use CUrlManger something as following, but you will still have access to controller thru other controllers

‘rules’ => array(



thanks for replying.

did you mean adding the rule to main/config something like this ?












this isn’t working.

Sorry I am a newbie and a dumbo at the same time :mellow:

Dear Friend

To avoid the direct access overide the CContoller::beforeAction() in UserController.


public function beforeAction($action)





		throw new CHttpException(" :you are not having any direct access to Registration.");


	return true;


Then in PaypalController, we can do something.

public function actionPaysuccess()


    if(something is true) // that is on successfull payment...


        $model=new User('register');






                            //do something here.



	$this->renderPartial("//user/register",array('model'=>$model),false,true); //bring out the registration form.



This way we made the action user/register totally non existing.

This is almost equivalent to removing user/register.

If you want still use the user/register, then we can do the following.

1.create a folder restricted inside protected/controllers.

2.Copy the UserController.php and place it inside the restriced folder.

3.Then remove the UserController::beforeAction() from UserController.php residing inside the restricted folder.

Then in PaypalController, we can do the following.

public function actionPaysuccess()


    if(something is true) // that is on successfull payment...


        Yii::app()->controllerPath=Yii::app()->controllerPath."/restricted";//accessing the UserController.php in restricted folder.

	$this->forward("user/register");//forward... do not redirect.



I hope this would help you.

Thanks seenivasan, this is great…

Thanks for taking out time to put up such a detailed reply and such an apt one at that.

Defintely of great help :-*

Hi seenivasan

thanks for your answer. it has definitely set the ball rolling for me.

I am stuck at one small issue.

With renderpartial i am being able to display the registration form on the payment/confirm page.

However the default <form action=""> still remains as ‘payment/confirm’ where as it should be ‘user/register’ for the form to work.

In my case the registration view is located in a module.user.view.registration

what do i add as for the action in my registration form ?

$form=$this->beginWidget('UActiveForm', array(


	'action'=> '[b]? -- what do i add here ?[/b]',






for form action="", I added:


but it doesnt solve the purpose.

Just in case it matters, the register button is coded as:

<?php echo CHtml::submitButton(UserModule::t("Register")); ?>

thanks once again for showing me the way.

Dear Friend

Bring all the logic from ‘user/register’ to ‘paypal/pauSuccess’.

public function actionPaysuccess()


    if(something is true) // that is on successfull payment...


        $model=new User('register');






                            //Bring all the logic residing in  "user/register" here. 



	$this->renderPartial("//user/register",array('model'=>$model),false,true); //bring out the registration form.



thanks took me a step ahead…please keep this thread as subcribed.

hopefully should be able to comlete it :)

thanks a lot !!

sorry to bother you again :(

the logic contains references to other parts of the module like:




How do i make a reference to them now from within controller/action - pay/success?
