Connect to Dropbox

Hello guys,

I’m facing a little problem with connection to dropbox cloud. How can I using Yii to connect to dropbox and download a file?

I’ve tried to Google, but it’s seem no more results for this topic? Anyone help?



Use their API.

Excuse me, Can you more detail in Dropbox API.

I can not understand the code, how they connect to dropbox, I always get error:

I tried to follow find other solution in Google and thier provide a API libary for download in this Dropbox Lib but thier are also fetch me errors?

Can anyone more detail in dropbox field? I have tried to do it last more than 1 month and it made me felt boring.

Because in my case, I have few clients need to upload files to dropbox and they will send back to me the url to download file for read and insert to my dababase, I’m using “My Application” in dropbox for my client.

I really hope someone can help me to solve this problem :(. Thanks very much…


Might be an old topic, but check: