Connect Module To Frontend Of Yiinitializr

Help me, i can’t understand how connect the module to the frontend of Yiinitializr.

I get CException SiteController cannot find the requested view "error". with status 500.

Browser url -> i see the main page of frontend(incorrect?)

Browser url -> i see error



class ForumModule extends CWebModule





 echo ('main forum page');

 echo CHtml::link('Forum', array('forum/site/index'));  // show link



class SiteController extends Controller


	public $breadcrumbs = array();

	public function actionIndex()







	'modules' => array(


			'class' => '',




the error page is under views/site

Thanks. I find the solution. Error was in incorrect name class Controller instead of CController



//class SiteController extends Controller <- error

class SiteController extends CController


        public $breadcrumbs = array();

        public function actionIndex()






please see this link…

hope it will be help…