Confirmation Dialog Customization

Dear All,

Spent good amount of time on this but couldn’t find a solution

I am trying to use Jquery Confirmation Dialog box in place of Java script standard confirmation dialog box for my project

I googled and found below nice Jquery confirmation dialogues

My case I am having rows of data with delete option for each row . Clicking on the delete link asks for the confirmation and based on user input it deletes the row .

For that I am using below Java script code. It is Working perfect and no issues

"onclick"=>"if (

            !confirm('Are you sure?\\r\\nYou are going to unregister for this subject.')

              ) {     return      }

But now to use the above Jquery dialog I don’t find a way to implement exactly like above . Below is the code I tried

"onclick"=>"if (

            !jConfirm('Can you confirm this?', 'Confirmation Dialog', 

                 function(r) {

                               return r ; 



                ){    return     } "

But this didn’t help and I even tried some other possibilities too … But none of them helped . Could some one provide the correct way to handle the above case ?

Or if there are other dialog boxes that helps me for my case …

Thank You


Full code where I am calling this

  echo (










                            "success"=>'js:function(data){  }',




                                if (!jConfirm('Can you confirm this?', 'Confirmation Dialog', function(r) {

                                    return r ; })){return} "





jConfirm works okay if to put ajax request to callback function.



                                if (!jConfirm('Can you confirm this?', 'Confirmation Dialog', function(result) {


                                        jQuery.ajax({'type':'POST','data':{'place_type':'TYPE','place_id':'CODE'},'success':function(data){ },'url':'/index.php/editcourses/removeCourse','cache':false}); 


                                })){return }"


I didn’t dig deeper yet (maybe later) for the best solution in such a case, but hope it’ll give you a direction.

Hi yugene,

Thanks a lot for this solution . I just tried it and for my surprise the below code always getting me into success function( for wrong POST URL or right POST URL) and in success method if I print the data , It is HTML page of localhost WAMP server default page ( So it is not calling the desired URL whatever we want). Even I tried link instead of AjaxLink , But even that behaved the same . The data values I am posting to the URL are proper values , I tried alerting them and they printed fine . But not sure why always getting the success method and that too printing the Local Host page . any ideas?



                               'Delete','','' ,



                                            var parObj=$(this).parent().parent();

                                            if (!jConfirm('Can you confirm this?', 'Confirmation Dialog', function(result) {







                                                    'success':function(data){ alert(data); }



                                        })){return }





Hi Yugene,

Giving the below URL helped me .


Whatever the case if I put / before indexh.php , It is taking us to the localhost homapage

Thanks again for your help


Yii Fan


Honestly, didn’t get the last message.

About jConfirm link - why not to use simple CHtml::link() and to write ajax request send on click on this link.




jConfirm and ajax request is here;



Hi Yugene,

Thank You

about my last message … ajax request if I call the below URL


It is not working

Removing ‘/’ before index.php resolved the issue.



worked without any issues

Yes as you said I will go to the simple link approach

Thank You again


Yii Fan