Configuration For Firebug Message Logging


I have the following settings for activating Firebug in the ‘components’> ‘log’ > ‘routes’ section of the configuration file:


// settings for profiling messages of any category, to be captured in Firebug







In the controller I have these statements:

Yii::log('This is a profile message', CLogger::LEVEL_PROFILE, 'profile');

// example from the cookbook

Yii::beginProfile('This is a test for the profile logging: start profiling', 'first profile category');

for ($i=0; $i<10000; $i++)	{

preg_replace('~^[a-z]+~', '', 'test profile');


Yii::endProfile('This is a test for the profile logging: stop profiling', 'first profile category');

Besides the Firebug config I have all the others - email, files and browser - which work fine; the browser logs the controller’s statements above too. But in Firebug I have the Console tab empty, both as menu and as content; note: I have set the ‘levels’ in both ways and got same result (i.e. none).

I’m new to Yii, although quite skilled in programming, so thanks for your hints.

EDIT: I reply to myself about the solution:

The following settings in the configuration file are the right ones for Firebug:


// settings for profiling messages of any category, to be captured in Firebug






It means that the line


should be deleted.