Composite primary key, relation


I have a problem with composite primary key. I have 2 tables:


id_company (auto increment int) PK

company_name (varchar) Unique


country (varchar) PK

city (varchar) PK 

company_name (varchar) PK 

And I want to write this:

$myCompany = Company::model()->findByPk(1);

$city = $myCompany->getCity('google','usa')->city;

// $city = "Mountain View";

How should I design the relation? I need to join these two tables and manually specify columns country and company_name.

Each company can be in more cities and countries. Not twice in the same city.

class Company


  public function relations()




      'getCity'=>array(self::HAS_MANY, 'CompaniesInCities', 'Company(company_name,company_name)')

      // this is probably incorrect <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />




Can any one help please, or paste usefull link?

why not


country (varchar) PK

city (varchar) PK 

company_id (int) PK 

Why build the relation upon the name?

I can not modify my table. That is why I was asking such a difficult question…

you can use

'relation name' =&gt; array(self::MANY_MANY, 'model name', '{{user}}(column name, column name)'),