I am left with a previously developed yii project that I now have to manage. The app is functional and running on a server. I tried to download file tree to set up a local instance of the app to get a look at the code etc.
I am noticing that the filesystem is not canon, for example:
- All “major” folders are not in main path, but inside a ‘protected’ folder, such as ‘controllers’, ‘components’ etc
- In the ‘protected/config’ folder there isn’t a ‘web.php’ file. Instead there is a ‘main.php’ that contains the configuration.
- There isn’t a ‘web’ folder altogether.
- ‘index.php’ is in main path
These are a few examples. Was directory structure different in Yii 1 ?
And the most baffling question that I have is that there isn’t a ‘composer.json’ or ‘composer.lock’ file to be found anywhere. How is this possible?