Composer Install Error On 1.1.14


before posting an issue on Github, I’d like your opinion on this :

create a basic composer.json file :


	"name": "raoul/test1",

	"description": "this is a sample composer app",

	"authors": [


        	"name": "Raoul",

        	"email": ""



	"require": {

		"yiisoft/yii": "1.1.14-rc"



…and then run "composer install". Here is the output :

Loading composer repositories with package information

Installing dependencies (including require-dev)

  - Installing yiisoft/yii (1.1.14-rc)

	Downloading: 100%




  at.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp.Exceptions.txt): failed to open stream: No such f

  ile or directory

My expectation was that yii-1.1.14 was going to be downloaded into the vender folder … but something wrong happened.

Any idea ?



Hello Raoul,

try change require to dev-master.


        "name": "raoul/test1",

        "description": "this is a sample composer app",

        "authors": [


                "name": "Raoul",

                "email": ""



        "require": {

                "yiisoft/yii": "dev-master"



In this link Explain

I hope it work, bye

Hi Rahif,

thanks for your reply.

I did the modification and it works fine, however 2 points still confuse me.

[size=“5”]1.[/size] If I want to use 1.1.14-rc, and no other version, now and in the future, isn’t it an error to use “dev-master” ? I mean ok, today dev-master is the same as 1.1.14 because this version is the latest one to be released, but what about in some month, when 1.1.15 is released ?

[size="5"]2.[/size] in the Packagist repository, it is clearly written to use "1.1.14-rc"



you are right

1.1.14-rc should work but it doesnt.

I guess when 1.1.14 is finished the package 1.1.14 it’ll be fine.

Sorry but my english is not very good.


no problem Rahif … thanks for your help anyway ;)



anyone experienced the same problem ?
