Component and action provider

I am struggling with getting a Yii component to work with a controller and an action provider.

Here’s the code I have so far:

In SiteController.php, I have added the following method:

public function actions() {

        return [









Then in /components/giftCard/ConfirmForm.php, I have the following code:

class ConfirmForm extends ZWidget {

    public $id;


    public function run(){

        echo 'run';







    public static function actions(){

        return array(





And finally, in /components/giftCard/actions/Submit.php, I have the following code:

class Submit extends CAction {

    public $id;

    public function run() {

        echo 'Gift card submit action';



But when I try to visit http://localhost/site/card.Submit?id=1, I keep getting a 404 error.

Any idea what I may be doing wrong?

Found the problem… I forgot to add card.Submit to SiteController’s accessRules method:

    public function accessRules()


        return array(


                'actions' => array('card.Submit'),

                'users' => array('*'),



                'users' => array('*'),


