Complicate criteria

I have a complicate situaton where I should display some informations (liste of users) after some complicate filter

suppose my table is user(name,degree,age)

the criterias are as follow:

if degree=A point=10

if degree=B point=15

if age=20 point=5

if age>20 and age<35 point=15

if age>35 point=15

In CGridView (admin.php), I’d like to filter the display of users who have a total point>20

Could you please help me? How can I use AR to solve that?

(this is a simplified version of my need)

You can use calculated field "point"

In model’s function afterFind() calculate field “point”

In model class declare

public $point

And use this field in relation.

Use SCOPES and remember that you can also create parameterized scopes.

I’m trying to get that but not seeing… I wonder how to do that

/// with SCOPES on your USER model

public function filtered( $criteria ){


    return $this;


/// ... example with scopes

$criteria = new CDbCriteria();

$criteria->condition='age=>:age AND point=:point';

$criteria->params = array(':age'=>20,':point'=>15);

$models = User::model()->filtered(array($criteria))->findAll();


I want users to be showed depending the point they have. exple point>20

$criteria->condition=‘point > 20’;


You could also do it without a filtered scope name. Why dont you use criteria? User::model()->findAll( CRITERIA HERE );

I don’t have point in my database table point is calculated as I show above.

the criterias are as follow:

if degree=A point=10

if degree=B point=15

if age=20 point=5

if age>20 and age<35 point=15

if age>35 point=15

for each user I should point=point(for degree) + point (age)

Ok man, now I understand but fouss, excuse me but it doesnt seem that hard or maybe i still dont understand:

// This is A=10 points AND age>20 =15 point then is 25 point so bigger than 20 as you requested

SELECT * FROM XXX WHERE (degree == ‘A’ AND age>20)

// This is B=15 points AND age = 15 point then is 30 point bigger than 20 as you requested

AND (degree==‘B’ AND age>20)

Unifying both will give you a result of bigger than 20 POINT.

Ok let me it easy

I need point per each user and point=degreePoint+agePoint .

degreePoint and agePoint depend each on some conditions:

degreePoint=10 if degree=A

degreePoint=15 if degree=B

agePoint=5 if age<=20

agePoint=15 if age>20 and age<30

agePoint=10 if age>=30

so point(degreePoint+agePoint) should be calculated per user. I need users who have for example point>20 to be dislayed on my admin page (vue)

my table is user(name,degree,age)

Per user, on User Model write three properties

public function getDegreePoints(){


    return $this->degree=='A'? 10: ($this->degree=='B'? 15: 0);


public function getAgePoints(){

    $point = 0;

    if( $this->age <= 20) $point = 5;

    if($this->age > 20 && $this->age <30) $point = 15;

   if($this->age >= 30) $point = 10;

   return $point;


public function getPoints(){

   return ($this->degreePoints + $this->agePoints);


Now you can filter your lists on CGridView by its property points.

I put this in my user model

public function getDegreePoints(){


    return $this->degree=='A'? 10: ($this->degree=='B'? 15: 0);


public function getAgePoints(){

    $point = 0;

    if( $this->age <= 20) $point = 5;

    if($this->age > 20 && $this->age <30) $point = 15;

   if($this->age >= 30) $point = 10;

   return $point;


public function getPoints(){

   return ($this->degreePoints + $this->agePoints);


and this is my admin view:

<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(

















)); ?>

After that I can see in the admin page that point column is empty.

As my table is user(name,degree,age) should I make it user(name,degree,age,point) to make your code work?

You have a misstype my friend

‘value’=>’$data->point’ ----> ‘value’=>’$data->points’

Thanks Antonio Ramirez!!!

It’s beginning to work. I can see now points in points row…that’s find!

But I Can’t search point… how to make that search work?

We need to filter that on the CGridView on the column value…


         'name'=>'points', // had a mistake, tried like this now


         'filter'=>array(20=>20,30=>30) ... 


I can see the filter box but the search is not giving a result (I have the same list)

instead of ‘name’=>‘point’ on the attribute column use: ‘name’=>‘points’ as you dont have any attribute name called ‘point’

I had ‘name’=>‘points’, but not working

<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(


















)); ?>

Do you filter anything on your $model->search() function? have you checked for the parameter ‘points’ ? I believe that you have then to loop through your SQL results or do a reverse search criteria upon the dropdown selection. For example, if the parameter is 20 what the SQL conditon should be? degree=‘A’ AND age>20? I dont know if I explain well.