Hola estoy intentando recuperar datos de otro model y pasarlos por controllador.
Intente hacer esto
La variable $conv ya me recupera la informacion de la tabla convenio segun el id elegido.
Y quiero imprimir unos datos que me recupera la variable.
Sorry I don’t speak spanish.
If the question is how to access the data (‘convenio’=>$conv) from the controller to the view, then the view receives a variable called $convenio that you should reference in your widget call.
If I misunderstood the question then sorry.
In the widget view you have no $conv variable, only $convenio.
This is what render( … ‘convenio’ => $conv ) does: it defines a variable named $convenio accessible in the view ( ‘=> $conv’ is the value that will be contained in $convenio).
In other words $conv does not exist in the view.
So in the widget, I suppose you have to pass ‘model’ => $convenio.