¿Cómo leer un correo gmail con IMAP en una app de Yii?1

Hola, qué tal, tengo una gran duda, me pasaron la siguiente función para leer correos electrónicos:

public function actionLeerCorreo(){

		// Connect to gmail
		$imapPath = '{imap.gmail.com:993/imap/ssl}INBOX';
		$username = 'mesa.ayuda@gmail.com';
		$password = 'mesaayuda--123';
		// try to connect 
		$inbox = imap_open($imapPath,$username,$password) or die('Cannot connect to Gmail: ' . imap_last_error());
		   /* ALL - return all messages matching the rest of the criteria
		    ANSWERED - match messages with the \\ANSWERED flag set
		    BCC "string" - match messages with "string" in the Bcc: field
		    BEFORE "date" - match messages with Date: before "date"
		    BODY "string" - match messages with "string" in the body of the message
		    CC "string" - match messages with "string" in the Cc: field
		    DELETED - match deleted messages
		    FLAGGED - match messages with the \\FLAGGED (sometimes referred to as Important or Urgent) flag set
		    FROM "string" - match messages with "string" in the From: field
		    KEYWORD "string" - match messages with "string" as a keyword
		    NEW - match new messages
		    OLD - match old messages
		    ON "date" - match messages with Date: matching "date"
		    RECENT - match messages with the \\RECENT flag set
		    SEEN - match messages that have been read (the \\SEEN flag is set)
		    SINCE "date" - match messages with Date: after "date"
		    SUBJECT "string" - match messages with "string" in the Subject:
		    TEXT "string" - match messages with text "string"
		    TO "string" - match messages with "string" in the To:
		    UNANSWERED - match messages that have not been answered
		    UNDELETED - match messages that are not deleted
		    UNFLAGGED - match messages that are not flagged
		    UNKEYWORD "string" - match messages that do not have the keyword "string"
		    UNSEEN - match messages which have not been read yet*/
		// search and get unseen emails, function will return email ids
		$emails = imap_search($inbox,'UNSEEN');
		$output = '';
		foreach($emails as $mail) {
		    $headerInfo = imap_headerinfo($inbox,$mail);
		    $output .= $headerInfo->subject.'<br/>';
		    $output .= $headerInfo->toaddress.'<br/>';
		    $output .= $headerInfo->date.'<br/>';
		    $output .= $headerInfo->fromaddress.'<br/>';
		    $output .= $headerInfo->reply_toaddress.'<br/>';
		    $emailStructure = imap_fetchstructure($inbox,$mail);
		    if(!isset($emailStructure->parts)) {
		         $output .= imap_body($inbox, $mail, FT_PEEK); 
		    } else {
		   echo $output;
		  // $output = '';
		// colse the connection


Necesito hacer que en mi vista aparezcan todos los datos del correo. ¿Cómo lo hago? (Por cierto, soy principiante)