I’ve got this annoying problem - I’ve created module Test and prepared the console controller inside it. Now when calling from command line
yii help
it shows my tool like this
... default yii commands ...
- test Test command line tool.
test/test/check Checks Test.
test/test/index (default)
The thing is with the double "test" here.
I can use
yii help test/check
and I get
Checks Test.
yii test/test/check [...options...]
but not
yii help test/test/check
Error: No help for unknown sub-command "test/test/test/check".
with even triple "test".
As you can see above yii help test/check gives me usage command yii test/test/check which is not recognised but I can use
yii test/check
and it works fine.
How to remove the double "test"? Or at least how to make it consistent for help tool suggestions and actual commands?
namespace mymodules\test;
use Yii;
use yii\base\BootstrapInterface;
use yii\base\Module as BaseModule;
class Module extends BaseModule implements BootstrapInterface
public $controllerNamespace = 'mymodules\test\controllers';
public function bootstrap($app)
if ($app instanceof \yii\console\Application) {
$app->controllerMap[$this->id] = [
'class' => 'mymodules\test\console\ToolController',
'module' => $this
namespace mymodules\test\console;
use yii\console\Controller;
use yii\helpers\Console;
* Test command line tool.
class ToolController extends Controller
public function actionIndex()
$this->run('/help', ['test']);
* Checks Test.
public function actionCheck()
$this->stdout("\nTest check\n");