CMultiFileUpload only ONE file in $_FILES

I’m a newbie to yii-framework.

After the sudden leaving of a colleague I had to overtake his big yii-Project and found out that

the CMultiFileUpload he used to upload multiple files did not work correctly. No Error messages, but every time only the first file is passed to $_FILES no matter how many files I uploaded.

I copied the multifileupload codes to a simple test-project and it worked correctly. Two files are in $_FILES when I upload two files. That’s really strange!

I’ve googled about the problem, but could not find any answer or solution.

Hope you experts here can help!


Did you compare the source code of both scripts in your browser? With special focus on the form and the input field. Also do both scripts make use of the same javascript files?

both have the same codes:

[color="#00FF00"]<?php $form=$this->beginWidget(‘CActiveForm’, array(






'htmlOptions' =&gt; array('enctype' =&gt; 'multipart/form-data')

)); ?>


&#036;this-&gt;widget('CMultiFileUpload', array(


	'name' =&gt; 'image',

	'attribute' =&gt; 'attachments',

	'accept' =&gt; 'jpeg|jpg|png',

	'max' =&gt; 10,

	'duplicate' =&gt; 'file appears twice',

	'remove' =&gt; Yii::t('ui', 'Remove'),




I don’t know where else I can check the differents.

I should perpaps have said html code, not source code. Does the html code in the browser look the same? And does the browser show it loads the same javascript files in both cases?

Oh, and when you are testing in different environments check the PHP setting max_file_uploads.

Also test with small files to upload, so that you do not hit PHP limits like post_max_size and upload_max_filesize.

same input and same javascript is used for multiple upload.

But I 've found the part in the form that causes the problem.

[color="#00FF00"]<?php if ($model->getErrors() == array()) { ?>


            &lt;td colspan=&quot;15&quot;&gt;

                &lt;?php &#036;this-&gt;widget('ext.tinymce.ETinyMce', array(

                    'model' =&gt; &#036;model,

                    'attribute' =&gt; 'Meldungstext',

                    'height' =&gt; '150px',

                    'editorTemplate' =&gt; 'full',

                    'options' =&gt; array(

                        'plugins' =&gt; 'template',

                        'theme_advanced_buttons4' =&gt; 'template,',


                        'template_templates' =&gt; array(


                                'title' =&gt; 'template1',

                                'src' =&gt; '/intranet/templates/template1.html',

                                'description' =&gt; 'tempplate1'



                                'title' =&gt; 'template1',

                                'src' =&gt; '/intranet/templates/template2.html',

                                'description' =&gt; 'template2'





It seems that the use of cMultiUploadFile and ext.tinymce.ETinyMce causes the conflict :(

Any suggestion how to solve the problem? I need both widgets.