CMenu From Database with Recursive query


   id  | name   |  pid  | about

   77  | TV     | NULL  | HAI123

   78  | Apple  | NULL  | Hai123

   79  | Ipad   | 72    | HAi123

   80  | Iwatch | 72    | HAi123


categoryid | name | about | price

  77   | LED  | hi123 | 22 USD

  77   | LCD  | hi123 | 28 USD

  78   | i5c  | hi123 | 24 USD

  78   | i5s  | hi123 | 27 USD

I created two tables named category and product and category is the parent table.

i want to show them in CMenu.

i had No problem in showing first level menu by using this code

Yii::import('zii.widgets.CMenu', true);

class ActiveMenu extends CMenu


    public function init()


        // Here we define queray conditions.

        $criteria = new CDbCriteria;

        $criteria->condition = 'pid IS NULL'; 

        // $criteria->order = '`position` ASC';

        $items = Category::model()->findAll($criteria);

        foreach ($items as $item)

            $this->items[] = array('label'=>$item->name, 'url'=>'index.php?r=category/category/view&id='.$item->id);




but i stucked in sub menu creation.

the concept to create sub menu is wheni click TV on Main Menu it will take id as 77 and search in product table for 77 and display LED and LCD behind it…

please help me any way…


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