CMenu and clean URLs

There seems to be a few minor quirks with the CMenu and clean URLs.

If I have a url as array(’/site/page’, ‘view’=>‘about’)

The menu will not use the clean url: /site/page/view/about Instead it will use: /site/page?view=about

I assumed this to be an issue with normalizeUrl, so I tried to use the clean URL instead.

I set the url to "/site/page/view/about"

The menu works fine and the page loads correctly, but it does not properly identify the active state of the current page within the menu.

Am I missing something?

Check your URLManager settings in protected/config/main.php




So, you need to set them as you can see that

in the url manager, you have not define rule for pages

To get

('/site/page', 'view'=>'about')



You need to create URL as


Where page_name is the value for $_GET[‘page_name’] or $_POST[‘page_name’]

What about view (the action)?

Also, I do not understand why I need to add additional rules if /site/page/view/about works as a URL. Again, I can navigate to this page, it renders the proper content, but the menu does not show it as active.


Then you need to set



In CMenu Property

Here is example

	<div id="mainmenu">

		<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.CMenu',array(




				array('label'=>'Home', 'url'=>array('/site/index')),						

				array('label'=>'Groups', 'url'=>array('/social/groups')),

				array('label'=>'Blogs', 'url'=>array('/social/blogs')),	

				array('label'=>'Photos', 'url'=>array('/social/photos')),

				array('label'=>'Videos', 'url'=>array('/social/videos')),	

				array('label'=>'TV & Radio', 'url'=>array('/media')),



		)); ?>


Here’s my updated config:






My update menu:

				<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.CMenu',array(


                        array('label'=>'Program<br />Information', 'url'=>'/program'),

						array('label'=>'Get A<br />Monkey', 'url'=>'/get'),

						array('label'=>'Sponsor<br />A Monkey', 'url'=>'/sponsor'),

						array('label'=>'Monkey<br />Gallery', 'url'=>'/gallery'),

						array('label'=>'Monkey<br />News', 'url'=>'/news'),






                )); ?>

I access a page by <domain>/sponsor but sponsor is not active in the menu. Same issue.

give your HTML output of menu

This will help you

array('label'=>'Sponsor<br />A Monkey', 'url'=>'/sponsor','active'=>(($this->id=='get')||($this->action->id=='program'))),

Yes, I was hoping that CMenu would still manage the active state automatically, but I guess not.

I was temporarily doing ‘active’=>($_GET[‘view’] == ‘sponsor’ ? true:false) but your solution is cleaner, thanks.