Generally I use the kartik-v markdown extra extension with no problem. This time I am facing this message :
Class ‘Michelf\MarkdwonExtra’ not found
This happens only on my webhosting, not on my local version and don’t see what to check. I uploaded the vendor/kartk-v and vendor/michelf twice but nothing changes.
I have the module declared in the config with
Hi, thank you for your answer,
I wasn’t trying to use the editor : only the markdown to html converter.
In my opinion the editor is not necessary as it does very little work.
I used composer with
“kartik-v/yii2-markdown”: “dev-master”,
in the composer.json file
The composer update command automatically added 2 folders in vendors : kartik-v and michelf
I didn’t used the Krajee recommendation probably using some old recommendation. In fact both worked and still work locally:
use kartik\markdown\Markdown;
echo Markdown::convert($content);
and second
use Michelf\MarkdownExtra;
$parser = new MarkdownExtra();
echo $parser->transform($postlang_model->content);
but none of them worked on the hosting.
In fact this was probably due to an incomplete uploading of vendors as re-doing the upload several times, I finally get it working.