Class For Table Data Column


In CGridView, I was able to set the class for table header column <th> using below code

'columns'=> array(									

	 'legal_cell_member_code' => array(																                                                                                                

         'name'    => 'legal_cell_member_code',																	  

         'header'  => 'Member Code',																	 

         'headerHtmlOptions' => array('nowrap' => 'nowrap', 'style'=> 'color:#FFFFFF;cursor:pointer;','class'=>'memInfoColumn1')


Can any one help me, How to set the class for table data column <td>

Thanks in advance.

try this…you want to add any css implement…



                        'name' => 'Details',

                        'type' => 'raw',

                        'value' => '"<div class=\'text_left  margin_l20\'>" . $data["email"]." <br /> ".$data["contact_number"]. "</div>"',

                        'htmlOptions' => array('width' => '225px')


Thanks worked for me