Class For Receiving Http From A Server

Hi all i’m new to YII framework,

I can’t find the class and function for requesting HTTP requests from some web service…

Can someone please assist?


Have you already read this?

Actually i did, but does this code for example:

$client=new SoapClient(‘http://hostname/path/to/index.php?r=stock/quote’);

echo $client->getPrice(‘GOOGLE’);

will work for any web service (that is not written in YII)?

Soap is a standard, so will work with any web service (soap).

But then, what should i use instead of “$client->getPrice(‘GOOGLE’);”

I mean that “$client” contain a message, but how do i know it’s content? is it an object that is should know his fields?

$client doesn’t contain a message, but it is the object to communicate with remote service.

Maybe you do not understand what i need, i have a known API for some web service, for example:

And i know i should get some data back when requesting…


Maybe you mean


or using curl.