Class diagram of Yii framework

That link leads nowhere. It’s broken.

how do i use the doxyfile?

Please Chekc Thsese

and UML class Diagram have to design

NOTE that this is the Yii 1.0 section and the diagram is for that version… this version is deprecated!

For anyone who wanders across this thread, I put a copy of the Doxygen output for Yii 1.1.10.r3566 here:

Forum wont let me embed links so just copy and paste I guess. Happy Yii-ing!

Also, if anyone needs to know how to install Doxygen, on Ubuntu, it’s

apt-get install doxygen

apt-get install doxygen-gui


… and there you have a simple doxygen wizard to walk you through running everything. Super useful and easy to install :)