Ckeditor - can't bold, italic etc.

Hi! I’m using Yii framework and new CkEditor in admin panel. I have problem because in editor I can bold text, italic etc. but when I save it and reload page I see only text without previous decoration.

Another problem with <ul> in ediotr - when I want to do something like this:


<li>Some text</li>

here <br> or <p>&nbsp</p> or in visual mode shift+enter 

<li>some text2</li>


When I save in i have result:


<li>Some text</li>




<li>some text2</li>


OK I see now that this happend only in my adsmanager but in pagemanager is ok. OK another tip for me in this AdsManager for text automaticlly add <ul><li></li></ul> and this is problem.

Edit: ehhh what a shame for me ;/ I analize this code and now I know where is the problem. In adsmanager is trim which add <li>

Sorry for my pure knowledge about Yii

// FrontEnd :) I remove trim and now i have li bullets with transparent background. Where should I look for this style? In main.less of my theme I don’t see transparent backgroud of li element.

trim(strip_tags($adsModel->needs))!='') {

                    $adsModel->needs = '<li>'.str_replace(array("\r","\n\n","\n"),array('',"\n","</li>\n<li>"),trim(strip_tags($adsModel->needs),"\n\r")).'</li>';


Now I have

(trim(strip_tags($adsModel->needs))!='') {


and I can correctly style text from editor in admin panel

Most script fonts are regular, even if they have a steep italic angle.

If you offer an italic option, then what about bold and bold italic?