Cjuisliderinput Issue With Datepicker And Timepicker

Hi guys,

On my page I’m using a datepicker and timepicker option.

in the top of the view file this part is included as js script.

$( ".date" ).datepicker({

         dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',

         showOn: "button",

         buttonImage: "<?php echo Yii::app()->params['img_path']; ?>/images/admin/calendar.gif",

         buttonImageOnly: true,

         changeMonth: true,

         changeYear: true


      //time picker


         ampm: true,

         timeFormat: 'h:mm TT'


and the input fields are like following.

<?php echo CHtml::activeTextField($push, 'start_date', array('id'=>'txt_start_date', "class"=>'date')); ?>&nbsp;

               <?php echo CHtml::activeTextField($push, 'start_time', array('id'=>'txt_start_time', 'style'=>'width:80px;')); ?>

Now when I include CJuiSliderInput widget to display a field to store Distance, both date picker and time picker stop working. the following is the slider.



                                        'name'=>CHtml::activeName($push, 'distance'),  



                                        'tagName' => 'span',


                                        // additional javascript options for the slider plugin



                                            'max'=>75, // Set the max distance of the 

                                            'change' => 'js:function(){

                                                    $("#push-distance-value").html($(this).slider("value")+ " Km.");








It would be better if I can find what’s happening so that I can quickly fix the issue. :) Much appreciated, if you guys can help to fix this problem.