CJuiDialog with dynamic content

Is it possible to use CJuiDialog when I need to render the content upon dialog open?

Let’s say I have 20 images on a page a I need to display different content in dialog which pops up after click on each image. Can it be done using CJuiDialog? Content should not be pregenerated, because it consists of a lot of queries and logic. It should be generated when dialog pops up.

Is there any other extension I can use? (Lightbox, anything else?)


What you have to do is use ajax.

This is some general steps you have to follow:

  1. Create an empty CJuiDialog that has autoOpen set to false.

  2. Use ajax ( CHtml::ajaxLink or CHtml::ajaxButton )

  3. The ajax will get the data from an controller action and use either success to:

3.1. Update the content of the CJuiDialog.

3.2. Open the CJuiDialog.

[size="5"]Example code[/size]


The ajaxlink should look like.


<?php echo CHtml::ajaxLink('Link',



            'onclick'=>'$("#juiDialog").dialog("open"); return false;',






And the cjuidialog wants to be set with id juiDialog like:





                    'title'=>'Show data',









Thank you Tydeas.

I followed your advice, but I couldn’t force ajaxLink to show CJuiDialog dialog. When I changed ajaxLink to Link, dialog opens up empty which was understandable. I was afraid I will have a lot of troubles with that dialog because displayed page consists of a lot JS… but I never thought I could not open a single empty page with such a way… ouch.

I used CJuiDialog before with a simple forms and it worked like expected. With ajaxLink it is not :(

I’m going to do more tries.

I’ve tried this several times since I started with Yii 2 years ago and still haven’t resolved what I’m doing wrong.

I think people do not help too much with this kind of questions because its not a yii problem but a jQuery problem.

May be I’ll try another morning in the following weeks.

Please post your code.

I’ve noticed that it will not work if I have $("#mydialog").dialog(“open”) in my ajaxLink and CJuiDialog autoOpen set to false, but it will work if I have $("#mydialog").dialog() in my ajaxLink and CJuiDialog autoOpen set to true. I haven’t had sufficient amount of time to figure out why, but perhaps this may help.

I’ve modified tydeas_dr’s code a bit and here’s what worked for me


<?php echo CHtml::ajaxLink('Link',



            'success'=>'function(r){$("#juiDialog").html(r).dialog("open"); return false;}'


        array('id'=>'showJuiDialog') // not very useful, but hey...






                    'title'=>'Show data',









Thank you. :wub: This worked for me. I’ve tried everything including the articles in the wiki and they didn’t work.


I also face the same problem for that but after more discussion on this topic i get the solution of this topic.

Thanks to all for the sharing knowledge on this topic.

Thanks & Regards,



Thanx a lot…you are the life saver

Thank you very much! :)