Cjuidatapicker Language Problem

Good morning.

I have the following in one admin view:

<?php $this->widget('application.components.GridView', array(




        'afterAjaxUpdate' => 'reinstallDatePicker', 




                    'name' => 'Data',


                    'filter' => $this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiDatePicker', array(



                        'language' => 'es',

                        'i18nScriptFile' => 'jquery.ui.datepicker-es.js', )

                        'htmlOptions' => array(

                            'id' => 'data_entradas',

                            'size' => '10',


                        'defaultOptions' => array( 

                            'dateFormat' => 'dd/mm/yy',

                            'showButtonPanel' => true,



                    true), // (#4)





Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('re-install-date-picker', "

                                        function reinstallDatePicker(id, data) 



                                            $('#data_entradas').datepicker({'dateFormat': 'dd/mm/yy'});        ");

And it works fine. Language is setting to Spanish.

But if I copy this code in another admin view, it isn’t work!!!!!!

Language is setting to English.

Anyone can help me?


Nobody had this problem?