Cjuiautocomplete - Ajax

MultiModelForm extension in using CJuiAutoComplete …

how parameterized "jsAfterNewId"?, Please

The rest of the code is ok?

The problem is that the autocomplete does not work in the second record

Thanks !!!

$detalleFormConfig = array(







			'source'=>'js: function(request, response) {


						url: "'.$this->createUrl('autocompletedescripcion').'",

						dataType: "json",

						data: {

							term: request.term,

							idFabricaSeleccionada: $("#Pedido_fabrica_id").val(),

							idTarifaFabricaSeleccionada: $("#tarifa_id").val()



						success: function (data) {







				'select'=> 'js:function(event, ui)















		'STYLE'=>'text-align:right; width:60px',








		'STYLE'=>'text-align:right; width:60px',






				'id' => 'id_detalle', //the unique widget id

				'formConfig' => $detalleFormConfig, //the form configuration array

				'model' => $detalle, //instance of the form model

				'hideCopyTemplate' => ($this->action->Id == 'update' ? true : false),

				'validatedItems' => $validatedDetalle,

				'data' => empty($validatedItems) ? $detalle->findAll('pedido_id=:idPedido', array(':idPedido'=>$model->id)): null,


				'jsAfterNewId' => MultiModelForm::afterNewIdAutoComplete( <img src='http://www.yiiframework.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/huh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='???' />?<img src='http://www.yiiframework.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/huh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='???' />? ),


				'showAddItemOnError' => false,

				'tableView' => true, //sortable will not work

				'fieldsetWrapper' => array('tag' => 'div', 'htmlOptions' => array('class' => 'view','style'=>'position:relative;background:#EFEFEF;')),

				'removeLinkWrapper' => array('tag' => 'div', 'htmlOptions' => array('style'=>'position:absolute; top:1em; right:1em;')),

				'addItemText' => 'Añadir',

				'removeText' => 'Eliminar', 

				'removeConfirm' => '¿ Eliminar el artículo seleccionado ?', 

