Cjuiaccordion Keep State With Cookie

Hi everybody,

I implemented CJuiAccordion for my side bar menu. I would like to keep the panel active opened when I refresh page for exemple or when I change it but I don’t get it. I read here : http://www.snyderplace.com/demos/accordion.html that there was a “cookieOptions” which was present but it seems that it doesn’t work… I tried to use this function (find here : http://jaaulde.com/test_bed/stickyaccordion/) too but doesn’t work :

					active: ( $.cookies.get( cookieName ) || 0 ),

					change: function( e, ui )


						$.cookies.set( cookieName, $( this ).find( 'h3' ).index ( ui.newHeader[0] ) );


I use only ‘panels’ and ‘options’, here is my declaration cjuiaccordion options :

        $this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiAccordion', array(










        /*'active'=>'js:($.cookies.get(cookieName) || 0)',



						$.cookies.set(cookieName,$( this ).find('h3').index(ui.newHeader[0]) );




I solved it thanks to this tutorial : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11231436/jquery-ui-accordion-menu-saving-menu-state-even-after-refresh

hope it could help someone else, however if you have a “less writing” solution, I’m interested =D