Another issue with CJSON is that it will output all fields (attributes) in the table even if they were not queried.
For example a table User with columns
If I did this:
$criteria=new CDbCriteria;
$criteria->select = "id, user, birthday";
$criteria->order = "birthday";
$users = User::model()->findAll($criteria);
$this->layout = false;
the output would look something like this:
(I made up the date format)
[{"id":"1", "user":"Jack", "password":null, "group":null, "email":null, "birthday":"10-dec-1960"},
{"id":"2", "user":"Jill", "password":null, "group":null, "email":null, "birthday":"12-dec-1965"}]
instead of just:
[{"id":"1", "user":"Jack", "birthday":"10-dec-1960"},
{"id":"2", "user":"Jill", "birthday":"12-dec-1965"}]
it includes all columns even if they were not queried and gives the ones not queried a value of null.
the problem with this is
The JSON output is longer than needed. Waste of bandwidth, especially if there are lots of columns on the table
I think it might not be good for security. Can easily see the names of all columns in the table
I think this is a big problem with CJSON. Right now because of this (and the other issue about not supporting related models) I have to manually convert the CActiveRecords to a standard php array including only the fields queried before doing a CJSON::encode on it.