Hey guys,
Originally posted this in the General section so apologies for slight re-post.
I’ve got a website which contains a login with a remember me autologin cookie. After the user logs in with remember me enabled then they log out again they are presented with the following error:
CHttpCookie and its behaviors do not have a method or closure named "configure".
The site is using the yiilite.php file. When I switch back to the yii.php file it works. I’m not entirely sure whats going wrong so maybe you guys can shed some light.
The stack trace is as follows:
exception 'CException' with message 'CHttpCookie and its behaviors do not have a method or closure named "configure".' in
Stack trace:
#0 [internal function]: CComponent->__call('configure', Array)
#1 ***/Yii/yiilite.php(2704):CHttpCookie->configure(Array)
#2 ***/Yii/yiilite.php(2690):CCookieCollection->remove('basddge35b0e14a7...')
#3 ***/Yii/yiilite.php(4031):CCookieCollection->add('basddge35b0e14a7...', Object(CHttpCookie))
#4 ***/Yii/yiilite.php(3881):CWebUser->saveToCookie(2592000)
#5 ***/models/LoginForm.php(76):CWebUser->login(Object(UserIdentity), 2592000)
Operating system - All
Web server - CentOS release 5.8 (Final)
Browser - All
Yii version - yii-1.1.12.b600af