Chtml::linkbutton Parameter

Sorry, couldn’t find any thread discussing this. Hope this is one is good.

I got a question while using CHtml::linkButton. I’d like to generate a link which href refers to some URL. Here is the code:


	echo CHtml::linkButton('Print', array(

		'href'=>array('print', $_GET),

		'submit'=>array('print', $_GET),



But somehow the generated link didn’t point to the address. It always point to ‘#’, so I checked the source code of CHtml class. I found this:


 * Generates a link submit button.

 * @param string $label the button label

 * @param array $htmlOptions additional HTML attributes. Besides normal HTML attributes, a few special

 * attributes are also recognized (see {@link clientChange} and {@link tag} for more details.)

 * @return string the generated button tag

 * @see clientChange


public static function linkButton($label='submit',$htmlOptions=array())



		$htmlOptions['submit']=isset($htmlOptions['href']) ? $htmlOptions['href'] : '';

	return self::link($label,'#',$htmlOptions);


Looks like it always assign the link to ‘#’, whatever the htmlOptions.

I managed to solve this by editing the source code to:

public static function linkButton($label='submit',$htmlOptions=array())



		$htmlOptions['submit']=isset($htmlOptions['href']) ? $htmlOptions['href'] : '';

	// return self::link($label,'#',$htmlOptions);

	return self::link($label,$htmlOptions['submit'],$htmlOptions);


Is there any other solution to manage this (without editing the source code)?

Thanks in advance, and sorry for my bad English.