CHtml::link Confirm repeats Yii

I have used confirmation inside a Jquery acordin. main tabs of acordin are Categories and in side there is Items. User can delete both Items and Categories(of course different tables and models).

Now when I click on delete category it asks should it delete or not …Till now everything is fine but as long as I click cancel AND category has Items in its panel confirm repeats itself for number of items time. following is my code. Please help me out

Following Image will illustrate what I mean


foreach($model->categories as $Category){

        echo  CHtml::link('<span id="add_new_item">Add New Item </span>', array('items/create','id'=>$Category->id));

        echo ' <span id="update_del_category">';

        $image = CHtml::image('/Hunt2Eat/assets/b4e73c2b/gridview/update_item.png', 'Update', array('class' => 'view'));

        echo  'Edit';

        echo  CHtml::link($image, array('category/update', 'id'=>$Category->id));

        $image = CHtml::image('/Hunt2Eat/assets/b4e73c2b/gridview/delete_item.png', 'Delete', array('class' => 'view'));

        echo  ' Delete';

        echo  CHtml::link($image,'#',array('submit'=>array('category/delete','id'=>$Category->id),'confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete '.$Category->name.'?'));

    echo  '</span>

          <ul style="width:99%;" id="menu3" class="menu noaccordion">

            <li style="width:100%; ">

                <a href="#" style="color:white; padding:6px 0 6px 5px;">'.$Category->name.'</a>

                    <ul style="width:99%">

                        <div id="item_headings">

                             <label id="item_name"> Name </label>

                             <label id="item_price"> Price (PKR)</label>

                             <label id="item_rating"> Rating </label>


foreach($Category->items as $Item)


    echo  '<div id="update_del_item">';

    echo   CHtml::link('Edit', array('items/update', 'id'=>$Item->id));

    echo  '</div>

                 <div id="update_del_item">';

    echo  CHtml::link('Delete','#',array('submit'=>array('items/delete','id'=>$Item->id),'confirm' => 'Are you sure?'));

    echo  '</div>

                <li >

                <a href="#" name="Item">

                    <div style="height:20px; width: 360px;">

                        <span id="item_list">'.$Item->name.'</span>

                        <span id="item_list">'.$Item->price.'</span>

                        <span style="float:right;">'.$this->renderPartial('_rating',array('model'=>$model),TRUE,TRUE).'</span>




}//For Loop to Extract category Items from category Array





}//For Loop to Extract Categories from Hotel array
