Hello friends,
I need some help on a problem that a discovered yesterday on an app that I’ve been working.
The site consists on a dashboard with numerous tabs. Each tab is loaded by ajax.
Everything was fine, and a used Chtml::ajaxLink on the linktabs, so when I click on each the content change smooth.
The problem is: when I tried to insert other Chtml::ajaxLink inside a tab that war already loaded by ajax. At the time that I click on linktab, reload my page, and I lose my javascript started.
With this my first tab that is an card-album stop working, 'cause the JQuery plugin that I’m using need to be start at loading. When loaded by ajax don’t work. So it’s the only tab that is ‘hidden’. The all others are loaded by ajax.
I’ve read that is necessary put an unique Id on each ajaxLink. So I’ve inserted and nothing changes.
When I try to put false, on the fourth param, nothing goes wrong, and the page do not reload, BUT de Chtml::ajaxLink inside the ajaxtab does not work.
Anyone could help please?