Chtml Activeid And Autcomplete

Hi all!

Sorry for my bad english…

I’m using this method to make an autocomplete field but I want to extended for 3 fields, but when I put two Chtml::activeId it only works the last one!


// ext is a shortcut for application.extensions


$this->widget('ext.myAutoCompleteExtended', array(

	    'name' => 'producto_autocomplete',

	    'sourceUrl' => $this->createUrl('facturacion/autocompleteProducto'),

	// attribute_value is a custom property that returns the 

	// name of our related object -ie return $model->related_model->name

	    'value' => $detalleFactura->isNewRecord ? '': $detalleFactura->producto->Producto,

	    'options' => array(



		        'focus'=> 'js:function( event, ui ) {

		            $( "#producto_autocomplete" ).val( );

		            return false;


		        'select'=>'js:function( event, ui ) {



		            return false;


		        'select'=>'js:function(event, ui) {


			     .val( ui.item.price );

			     return false;



		    'htmlOptions'=>array('class'=>'input-1', 'autocomplete'=>'off'),

		    'methodChain'=>'.data( "autocomplete" )._renderItem = function( ul, item ) {

		        return $( "<li></li>" )

		        .data( "item.autocomplete", item )

		        .append( "<a>" + +  "</a>" )

		        .appendTo( ul );




Got solved!

I have two select statement in the js function, all I do is to move the two CHtml::activeId to only one select

'select'=>'js:function( event, ui ) {




      .val( ui.item.price );

      return false;
